At The Green Zone, we believe in the collective wisdom of our community, and together, we pave the way for a brighter future.
The Green Zone's mission is to enable an inclusive, secure nexus for veterans, enthusiasts, and leaders. It provides enhanced learning opportunities while advocating for equitable, accessible policies. United by collective wisdom, The Green Zone empowers its community in their pursuit of a high quality of life.
The Green Zone envisions elevating quality of life while setting the standard for enhanced learning, responsible advocacy, and a supportive community

Veteran Survey
We would love to hear from our Veterans. Take our survey to share your voice.
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An Army disabled-veteran, cannabis business owner, author, and social equity license recipient hailing from Chicago, Illinois. He is the founder of 'The Green Zone,' a community that unites cannabis industry enthusiasts and professionals championing veteran advocacy, advancing social equity and justice, and fostering an intimate understanding of cannabis culture.
In The Press
Check out these articles written about what’s going on with The Green Zone, its members, and hosted events.